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CharonVirus Screenshot

The Charon Virus (カロンウイルス) is an airborne disease mutated from the Avian flu that can cause asphyxiation in the immune system. The Charon Virus affects only primates and is harmless to birds.

The Charon Virus can completely stop a human's immune and respiratory systems within three minutes. It was a key component of Operation Hatoful.


Around the age of 6 or 7, Nageki Fujishiro was infected with, and survived, a strain of avian influenza. However, his weak immune system allowed the infection to continue living in his body, eventually mutating into the Charon Virus. In a healthy individual, the virus would have been extinguished with time, but Nageki's compromised immune system proved to be a perfect host body, allowing the virus to home itself and grow stronger and deadlier.

After the Heartful House Incident, where the virus inside Nageki killed all human terrorists on the scene, Hitori and him began to live alone and away from the orphanage. With time, Nageki continued to succumb more and more to his illness as Hitori begged for help from doctors to save him.

Eventually, Souma Isa set his eyes on Nageki. He learned from other doctors that traces of the Charon Virus were found on the scene of the Heartful House Incident 3 years prior and connected the dots. He invited Nageki to St. Pigeonation's.

The Charon Virus he was dealing with was extremely powerful, perhaps the deadliest in human history, but equally as frail. Souma had to carefully consider his next steps and experimented with the virus and it's host, testing the durability. Nageki was subjected to watching as unwilling humans were put in the same room as him, dying grotesquely within minutes. It ate at his mental health, which Souma failed to consider.

In an effort to kill the virus and perish it from the world completely so that no human will ever be subjected to it again, Nageki set himself on fire. In the end, nothing was left of him, aside from some organ tissue... and the Charon Virus, in a small dosage.

As the virus was frail and weak and Souma no longer had a suitable host for it, he stored it safely in the underground labs of St. Pigeonation's.

Present Day[]

As Ryouta Kawara was also a young dove with compromised health and it didn't go against the instructions he gave to Shuu years prior, the doctor decided to use Ryouta as the next suitable host.

In order to do that, he still had to carefully take down his immune system over the course of one year, and finally inserted the virus into Ryouta's body the day before the Bad Boy's Love route takes place. Hiyoko died while visiting Ryouta in the infirmary, and thus, the game begins.


In Greek and Roman mythology, Charon or Kharon (Χάρων) is a psychopomp, the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the river Styx that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead. The origins of the word are mostly unknown, but it's theorized that the word came from Egypt.
